Saturday, April 28, 2007

flying lesson - more practice

We didn't fly to FDK today because the weather looked not so good (and turned out to be not bad at all). We went to the practice area and did a little stall work, steep turns and so on. We had a late start because my usual plane was supposed to be reserved so I had reserved another one. The tach was stuck on it (which I noticed pretty quickly when we started) however so I had to get another one (my usual actually was available) and file a new flight plan. I did a better job using the trim this time so I wasn't constantly messing with the yoke. I also still need to get the hang on adding/reducing power on steep turns. My landing was ok but I leveled a little high so it was just a bit harder than it should have been. While I was doing the pre-flight a helicopter was doing practice fast approaches and descents to the runway. The first one I saw made me think he was going to hit the runway. I was pretty impressed with how skillful the pilot was in coming down pretty fast with forward speed and then suddenly leveling and shooting down the runway. And I just realized that I forgot to check 121.5 (ELT) on shutdown again (even though it is on my checklist). I'm going to have to tattoo that onto my arm so that I don't forget again.

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