Thursday, November 29, 2007

"mastering the e-6b flight computer"

a while back i posted something about a book i found called "mastering the e-6b flight computer" ( i've been studying it off and on and am satisfied with it. it has very specific pictures and descriptions of the various things you can do with it. i'm really trying to get proficient at it so that i can use it in-flight (without the manual) when i need to during longer flights. i do recommend the book if you're looking to do the same.


Head in the Clouds said...

did the book also address using an electronic flight computer? we received one a while back (two years!) as a present but have never really figured out how to use it. in some way, being spoiled by a G1000 makes you lazy!

flyaway said...

the book only covers the original manual e-6b. it does have some history at it as well which was interesting reading.