Tuesday, November 6, 2007

aviation podcasts

i recently bought a new ipod with a 160gb disk and was looking at itunes for podcasts to put on it. after subscribing to various npr/c-span/talk shows i searched on 'aviation' and found a number of podcasts that are aviation related. one that i found was at http://www.thefinerpoints.net/ and the current issue covered collision avoidance techniques. it covered a recent midair (both planes survived) and discussed when you should maneuver to avoid a potential midair. these are very interesting to listen to and are perfect for walking your dog or anything else where you're not staring at the tv.
btw, while being a linux purist i still broke down and got the ipod because of it's very easy use/integration with other stuff. in general i use linux whenever i can but i also admit that it can be a pain at times.

1 comment:

Teller said...

Finerpoints is great! I'd also recomend the pilotcast and CFIcast...a friend of mine from long ago has a hand in both and they're well worth a listen.